Autumn 1 - You, Me and Everybody
Autumn 2 - Fire! Fire!
Spring 1 - Toys
Spring 2 - Dinosaurs
Summer 1 - Changes
Summer 2 - The Sea
Our PE is on Tuesday and Friday.
Please ensure that your child brings in a PE kit (blue shorts and t-shirt) and trainers, this can be left on their peg.
Please listen to your child read EVERY night and write in their reading records. We encourage you to spend at least 10 minutes with your child reading and talking about their book (characters, settings, information etc). Book bag books will be changed on a weekly basis and Reading for Pleasure books on Monday/Friday.
Your child will also be set reading activities on Oxford Owl according to their Read, Write Inc group.
Your child will have an individual login and password to access Maths Whizz at home. This is a personalised learning apps which we encourage your child to access.
Useful Links
Our aim for uniform is that:
It looks smart, wears well and contributes to a sense of belonging and community; makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance; fosters a feeling of pride, and is designed with health and safety in mind.
We ask that all children wear uniform and encourage them to maintain a good standard of clean and tidy dress in school. The uniform is designed to be practical, maintainable and good value for money. Hair accessories such as slides, ribbons bobbles, etc, should be fairly simple and if possible in school colours. For safety reasons we ask that the children do not wear jewellery in school.
Please ensure that all items are labelled clearly with your child’s name. This includes:
Please bring a named water bottle to school.