Our Nursery runs from 08.45am-11.45am on Monday to Friday. The children are invited to stay and enjoy a school lunch at a cost of £11.50 per week. Dinners are optional, If your child stays for dinner their session will end at 12:15pm.
Working parents can now apply for an additional 15 hours Nursery provision (30 hours in total) and stay until 3 o'clock with the available funding. For parents who are not eligible for funding, sessional wrap around care is available until 3 o'clock at a cost of £11 per day.
We have a varied snack throughout the week, sometimes linking with our topics, along with a drink of milk or water. Snack costs £10 each half term.
Our days consist of a variety of play based activities which include personal and social development; language, vocabulary and phonics development; fine and gross motor skill development; maths and literacy activites alongside independent and adult led activities within our indoor and outside learning environments.
Smile 4 Life
We are taking part in the Smile 4 Life programme to help reduce the high levels of tooth decay that some children have. We clean our teeth everyday and learn about oral hygiene, we encourage healthy eating and drinking, as well as regular tooth brushing and learn about visiting the dentist.
Learning Together
Each week the children in Nursery take home a reading bag or a maths bag to enjoy. These include stories to share as well as activities to do at home. Sometimes they have activities linked to our topics, such as an autumn hunt. We also have Tilly and Tommy, our class bears. The children take it in turns to take a bear home for the weekend. On Monday’s we have Talk Time, where we share our news and any learning we have done with our families over the weekend.
In Nursery the children can take home a book to share with their families from the Reading Shed. The children have a sheet where they can record all the books they share with their families, once they complete a sheet they receive a prize and a certificate.
Healthy Families Cumbria Pledge
At Grasslot we are part of Healthy Cumbria Familes Pledge. We take part in daily physical activists as well as having a range of healthy snacks.
Parents as Partners
In Nursery, we understand the importance of families being involved in their child’s learning. We have been working hard this year to continue to develop this.
Academic Year 2023-2024
Academic Year 2022-2023
Academic Year 2021/2022
Academic Year 2019/2020