The school councillors have an important role to play in school. The role involves attending local council events, helping to organise fundraising in school and listening to and sharing their peers views about school. So far this year they have:
- Organised a pupil voice discussion on the after school clubs that we offer.
- Helped at our Macmillan Coffee Afternoon- we raised £167.32!!
- Attended the unveiling of the latest information board depicting Maryport's historic attributes.
Last year our School Councillors were very busy. They took parts in lots of events and raised money for local and national charities:
- Maryport Joint School Council and schools won the Speakers School Council Award and were highly commended
- Raised £250 for Macmillan Cancer Research through a cake sale
- Sponsored a Guide Dog through fund raising £180 with a Bring your Dog to School Day
- Raised £100 for Children in Need
- Raised £100 through a Bring and Buy Toy Sale
- Maryport Joint School Council raised £817 through a Go Orange Penny Collection
- Took part in Bake off - cake decorating competition
- Hosted lunch visits for Riverside residents and visited them for lunch too