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Remote Education

The way in which our remote learning is delivered depends upon what content is being delivered and the age and stage of the children:

  • Online learning is where the curriculum is delivered via technology. In our school we predomenently use the online platform Tapestry.  This can include pre-recorded videos and/or resources to support children’s learning to complete either online or in a paper-based exercise book at home.
  • Work packs or resources when necessary
  • Sign posting families to external apps and websites that would further support engagement in remote learning.


Staff will set a variety of activities on Tapestry. You can upload photo or video evidence of the learning your child has been engaging with and the teacher will respond to this with feedback. We also set reading books on Oxford Owl linked to your child's Read, Write, Inc group. 

The following websites are recommended to support your child's learning at home. Individual usernames and passwords will be created for the children by their class teacher. 
