We encourage all our children in school to read at home. Each class has their own opportunities to develop their reading.
Our Little Sunbeams are given a ‘Rhyme of the week’ to practise at home. This is the Nursery Rhyme they have been learning in school.
Our Nursery children take home a Story Sack which includes a well known story and props to support the retelling of this story.
Reception children have access to the Reading for Pleasure shed and are set sound videos weekly which link to their phonics sounds they have been learning. As the years progresses they also receive a colour banded ‘Book Bag Book’ and online storybook depending on their phonics group.
Key stage One children receive their ‘Book Bag Books’ and online storybook each week alongside their Reading for Pleasure books.
The expectation is that children read a minimum of 5 times a week and any reading is recorded in their Reading Record. A weekly raffle ticket for 5 lots of reading is given, this is drawn in our Achievement Assembly on a Friday.
Each term a prize will be given to children in school who have achieved a bronze, silver or gold award for 50, 100 and 150 lots of reading. The children will receive a treat and a certificate for achieving these goals in reading.
Our Bronze Readers!
All of these children achieved their bronze award in the Autumn term for Reading 50 times which amounts to 5 times a week every week! Well done everyone! Practice makes perfect!