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Pupil Premium

We recognise that pupils can experience many barriers to their learning and that these barriers can be long term or of a more short term nature.  We believe that it is vital that these barriers are identified and addressed in order for pupils to achieve their maximum potential.  Analysis has shown that typical barriers for our children include: 

  • ​Children in the Early Years of school have poor language skills on entry which hinders their progress in communication, language and literacy and other areas of learning. 
  • Children lack first hand experiences, resulting in a lack of vocabulary across the curriculum.
  • Children unable to blend and segment successfully within phonics and reading.
  • Parental engagement with school and support at home in their child’s learning.
  • Attendance and punctuality is a concern. 

Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding to address our school barriers to learning. 
