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In the EYFS 'History' forms part of the 'People and Communities' Early Learning Goal. Through a mix of adult led activities, daily routines and 'teachable moments' within continuous provision, children develop simple skills to become historians. These include understanding sequences and routines, looking at images and objects from their own lives and learning about their own 'history'.

In Key Stage 1 we have continue to develop our 'historian' thinking and skills through more formal teaching. Children’s historical learning incorporates learning about the history of their local environment, community and the wider world. Maryport is rich in history; from John Peat who was the first person to launch a ship broadside into the river Ellen to the White Star Line and its founder Thomas Henry Ismay, who was born in Maryport in 1837. Therefore, these are an essential  part of our History curriculum. Over the two years, children also learn about a variety of key events and people which have changed the way we live today. 

Stand up straight!

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Boys Brigade!

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'Fire Fighters' in 1666

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Using our 'leather buckets' we passed water to each other to put the fire out.

Year 2 History
