Welcome to Reception class page!
PE is on a Monday.
Children should come to school in their school PE kit (tracksuit bottoms or leggings can be worn) with trainers or pumps.
NO JEWELLERY is to be worn at anytime.
Healthy Families Cumbria Pledge.
As we are part of the Healthy Families Cumbria Pledge we do exercise daily through the Healthy Movers programme and Cosmic Yoga. This takes place for the first 20 minutes of the day.
All children in Reception will bring a Reading Together book home on a weekend. This can be changed daily from our Outdoor Reading shed. Once they receive a reading book, they will recieve an online book and a Book Bag Book from the Read, Write inc scheme. Reception children will read a minimum of 3 times a week to an adult in school with the expectation of reading 5 times a week at home. Please bring their book bags everyday.
Talking Teddies
To support our Communication and Language Development in school, each child in Reception has a Talking Teddy they take home on a weekend with a little speaking and listening activities to complete. We then reflect on these activities through Tapestry in our Talk Time on a Monday Morning.
We ask for a donation of £11.00 per term to provide the children with a variety of snacks recommended through the Eat Better Start Better guide.
Our Reception Class
Reading and phonics in Reception.
Healthy Families Cumbria Pledge
We are an accredited school for the Healthy Families Cumbria Pledge. Each day we ensure the children have a healthy snack taken from the Eat Better, Start Better guide. We do our Healthy Movers or Cosmic Yoga for the first twenty minutes of the day, take home our Talking Teddies weekly to help support and develop our speech and language and work closely with our parents to ensure good communication between home and school.
Smile 4 Life Programme
Reception children are taking part in the Smile 4 Life programme this year too. We have learnt about the importance of healthy teeth and how to brush the, correctly. We have also been talking about foods which are good for our teeth and foods we should try and only eat a little of.
2023 - 2024