Home Page

Year 2

Our topics for the Year.


Autumn 1 - Growing Up

Autumn 2 - Let's Celebrate

Spring 1 - Space

Spring 2 - Traditional Tales - Little Red Riding Hood

Summer 1 - Go Wild!

Summer 2 - Our World



Every day- Wake and Shake / Daily Mile

On Wednesday and Friday the children will have PE. Please wear your PE Kit to school- PE T-shirt, leggings/ joggers and trainers. 





Please listen to your child read EVERY night and write in their reading records. We encourage you to spend at least 10 minutes with your child reading and talking about their book (characters, settings, information etc).  Book Bag books will be changed on a weekly basis and Reading for Pleasure books on Monday/Friday.  


Your child will also have a book set for them to read on



Your child will have an individual login and password to access Maths Whizz at home. This is a personalised learning apps which we encourage your child to access.


Your child will also be provided with an individual login and password to use on the following recommended websites which your child can access at home.
